Saturday 7 January 2017

Android Create Virtual Device Using AVD Manager

AVD stands for Android Virtual Device. AVD are used to run and test our android application.

AVD works like the real devices we can create AVD from android studio AVD manager.We can create AVD for mobile,tablet,TV etc. There are some devices that are provided by the android studio by default or we can create our custom device also.Following are the steps to create the AVD -

1. Click on the AVD manager icon in toolbar ,you will see a screen like the below image -

2. Now click on button create virtual device.You will see screen like the below image.Here you will get the list of default devices provided by android studio.These are downloaded when you set up Android SDK.

3. Now when you will select a device the screen will be like image below to select an android operating system on which your device will run.

4. After selecting an operating system when you click on next button then screen will be like below.
Here you can change name and some other settings.If you click on advanced button then you can change the ram size etc.

After clicking on Show Advanced Settings button screen will be like this -

Then just click on Finish button and you will have an AVD and now start it. Now when you will run your application then it will be shown in connected devices list and select your device and run your application.

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